Lately i been feel so empty and lonely. i feel like I'm searching something. Something I don't even know what is it and i don't even have any idea how will i find it. I been through social networking but still the feeling remain constant. Nothing's change even a little. That's why i keep asking my self these questions. Sounds like stupid but i don't know they just come up on my mind.

Questions like is this has something to do with love? Is this really the feeling of being alone? what if someone is loving loving you but he's or she's not your ideal? Will you love her/him too? Is it unfair for her/him if you will you just take her/him for granted? Am i being selfish? are am i just a coward or maybe both. How can i figure out the the things that i am looking for? Will it take years, months, days or will it takes forever of finding it? Will it bring lifetime or a short time happiness? Does it makes me complete or i will end up looking again? Is it enough to think a thousand or million times before you figure out whats the right and best decision? Only time can tell what will happen, when, where and how cause finding it is not easy as ABC.
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