Have an unlimited option.
One of the very significant steps in finding the right person is to place you out there. In view of the fact that various relationship started on their first meet at school, work or even at the bar or a club through a common friend. Various relationships were even started on text or even in an online chat.
Look for a place where most singles gather and be a frequent visitor on that area. Be friendly to everyone and make sure to add new friend in your friends list every day. In that way you’ll be able to have atleast one closest friend that might turn out to be your “one and only”. Nowadays there are countless ways to find a partner. Lots of online dating site are available, or through social network, texts, and many more. Try it all, you’ll never know one of it will work.
Identify what really you are looking for
Think of the qualities that you are looking for and are important to you. Think what kind of relationship you are looking for? Make sure that you didn’t miss even a single one because a single mistake might enough to be the reason of a broken relationship. If you’re looking for an attractive person then make sure to include that on your list. Try to consider the sense of humor of a person that might be important to you, the intelligence, ambition, etc. There are countless individual out there who might possess the qualities that you are seeking.
Stick on whatever standards you set
After recognizing all the qualities that you seek then stick on it. Forcing a person to change usually doesn’t work. More often it will end into a lovers’ quarrel that generally the reason of a broken relationship. Focusing your attention to the guy that you attempt to change might be a cause that you miss the right person. Never waste your time to someone who doesn’t meet your standards. Always know that you deserve better.
Never give up
Always bear in mind that knowing your true love or seeking the right person will take some time. It’s important that you never gave up and never get discourage because that might lead you to lowering your standards. Nobody wants to be disappointed in the end. As an alternative, do whatever things that makes you happy until you become ready for that person at the right place and at the right time.
I am thinking deeply as I read this blog. Something I realized... you're right..!:D Its really hard to feel how true love is. Basta oi, I do agree with your thoughts about this.
^_^ heheheh.. thanks for reading my thoughts lotty.. ^_^...
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