Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I don't remember when I started to use twitter. All I remember is that I use twitter because a friend of mine encourage me to use it. At first I was confused with the interface and the way to use it especially the old version. Good thing that twitter updated into a new one and make it more easy to use than before.
I started to follow few people then since I have no follower yet. When few people started to follow back, i started to meet new friends and some of them become a close friend of mine. Some people getting even closer through twitter. We share our thoughts, feelings and emotions almost every day. We care for each other although we are distance apart. Some people in twitter may come and go but the feeling of how they made you important remain in the hearts and mind and will never be forgotten.
Million thanks to my follower who became part of my life. Thanks for making me important, you are worthy to be treasured forever.


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