Friday, February 25, 2011

You Are Compassion

Not so busy today so i got a chance to browse my facebook to see if there are new updates and when I saw one I try it right away. It prompts me to answer few questions and after answering those questions this result came out.

 "You are not a petty person. You truly want the best for people, and you feel empathy for them in their struggles.

You believe that we are all interconnected. When someone is happy, it makes you more joyful.

You believe that you have gained a great deal of freedom from not judging others.
You don't believe that anyone should have to suffer. It pains you to see others living a hard life.


nesyrallos said...

i tamaa.. ing ana jud ka babz... that's why everybody care and love u so much.. and i'm one of them... thank u so much babz for the friendship and Love you so much.. TC

Unknown said...

^_^ lamat babz.. ^_^ thanks pud sa friendship..

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